
The width of the are we are reconstructing is 159 meters (521 feet). The length of the area is 268 meters (879 feet). The football field is 120 yards (109 meters; 357 feet) long and 50 yards (45 meters; 147 feet) wide, the track is 440 yards (402 meters; 1,318 feet) around and goal posts are 9 meters (10 feet) high. Currently, this space is used for baseball and softball games and practice, football practice, cross-country practice, storage for equipment, and the area is also used by the P.E. department during school hours. The area is not commonly used by the community, other than the track which will occasionally be occupied by people going for a run, Jr. Matadors, and summer school. As requested by P.E. teachers, the activity director and even some students, there needs to be more storage and, of course, a usable football field. They would also like to see:

• Family friendly picnic areas
• More bleachers on the home side
• Lights
• Snack bar/Ticket booth
• All weather track and field
• Public restrooms (for use during games)
• Locker rooms (possibly unisex. For both home and away teams.)