TG Library Design: Recent activity

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

sgibson commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

I like the center check out station. It would offer a view of the whole library which is important.

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

sgibson commented on Collect: TG Library Design

The textbooks are here because there is no where else to put them. Include in your design a textbook room so that the textbooks do not have to come into the library! Sarah Gibson, Librarian, MLHS

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

mlhselitedesigns commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

This looks very modern and comfortable. Makes it fun to read!

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

futuredesign commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

We think it's a great idea making the widows school related, and making it creative and unique. We would suggest making your sketch more detailed and understandable. What are those things in the bottom below the murals? Don't you guys think the door is too small?

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

thegofirm commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

Your ideas are great, but is there any more ways you can use, besides the murals, that you can show your school spirit?

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

Modern Innovati... commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

Our firm really likes that you are putting school spirit into your community garden design. We suggest you try to modernize the logo. Where will the mural go inside of the community garden?

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

thegofirm commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

I believe that you guys will have the most beautiful garden of all. Good job - you guys are doing great!!!

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

chicdesigns1 commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

I love the idea of putting the mural in the library.
A suggestion would be to make the words on the mural a little bigger so that you could read it better.
Why did you decied to put the mural in front of the library.

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

thegofirm commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

This seating looks not only comfortable, but it has a very contemporary theme to it...basically it looks AWESOME...may I suggest having more of this kind of look all over your library.

LRedesign your school library with new spaces for community groups

Modern Community commented on Brainstorm: TG Library Design

Is this sketch to scale? How will you be able to walk between the rows of vegetables?