In front of the library there will be a mural of our school mascot the Mighty Matador to represent our school spirit.


Is your group planning on using the same mural that the A-wing building already have, or is your group planning on creating a brand new mural of a different design for the library?

I love the idea of putting the mural in the library.
A suggestion would be to make the words on the mural a little bigger so that you could read it better.
Why did you decied to put the mural in front of the library.

Your ideas are great, but is there any more ways you can use, besides the murals, that you can show your school spirit?

did your team design this mural? or is this something that already exists at your school?

either way - you could use this as a concept image and use some of the colors or textures from the image in your design.