In this picture you can see the final of design of our cafeteria.


Modern Community:
Your models (SketchUp and phyical) looked absolutely amazing. People can tell your group worked very hard which resulted in a fantastic end product. Fantastic Job Modern Community!

Thank you very much :)

This image is REALLY exciting - your team has produced a ton of really great, really thoughtful work in a very short time! You've been very clear in both the writing and imagery (drawings, models, etc) throughout this process.

I am going to throw out a couple of criticisms and possibilities for further development, but i want you to know that these criticisms are only even possible because you've provided such a real and solid project for me to review.

Aesthetics - while i think you've developed a really dynamic place in function and even form I'm still not sure that the building itself is beautiful. Thru your models and imagery i am left to assume that the solid exterior wall and rood surfaces are gray concrete - while this can be beautiful if done correctly, i can't help but think that this could have been a nice next step for you guys to study these surfaces with the same energy and talent that you did the program and function of the building.

This is an example of a really cool building with an exterior of concrete and glass here in chicago
When using these really simple materials though you can see that there is an extreme focus on articulation of that concrete (lines, divisions) and even the quality of the finish - you can use colored concrete, or expose the aggregate (stones within)....again i understand (better than most) that there is only so much time to figure all of these pieces out!!!

The terraced fountain/water catchment feature at the roof is really interesting and exciting too, but i would've liked to see the accessible terrace and roof deck concentrated on a bit more aesthetically too - you provided a reference image earlier in the project of a really beautiful multi-leveled green roof - your notes mention that you didn't want to over complicate the model with landscape, but i think it would've been great to see some of that 'complication'.

The front of the building is really expressive and you really get a feel for whats going on within - i have some concerns with what the building looks/feels like from the sides and back - it would've been nice to see a quick drawing or diagram to understand how your building interacts with the rest of the school - does it back up to another building? if the interaction with those facades is minimal i understand why you would devote less energy (and budget) to them.

Another great next step (if there were more time!) would've been to dig a little deeper into some of the 'green' features. I'll use your extensive glazing as an example - while you are correct that daylighting can definitely reduce the draw on electricity it can also be a source for really heavy heat gain in to the building requiring even more air conditioning. In the winter (not sure how much of a concern this is for you guys) glass is a far less efficient insulator then a typical solid wall. there are methods of shading glazing (vertical or horizontal depending on the sun's orientation) even light shelves within the building can provide some relief from heat gain and actually maximize that natural light by bouncing it up and around the space. if you really want to dig in there are ways to just affect the glazing itself to minimize some of these negative affects - coatings on the glazing, adding more glass panels - i know this stuff seems a little boring, but its necessary and (i swear) can be fun in its own way!

SOOOOO...all in all..i think you guys did a great job and the level of thoughtfulness and hard work you've shown here is really refreshing. I've chosen a few things to pick on, but that's only because you've given me a real building to think about. good luck in the future!!!

Im sorry that our group didnt notice the huge comment. Thank you so much for the feedback, this could actually be a really good information for continuing of this project, but unfortunatly we had only 6 weeks to do the whole entire project, and it would be impossible to incoorporate all this aspects to the project. Thank you again for your time and putting in the effort to help us out, it really did and our group feels like we actually accomplished something with the huge help.
Modern Community.