Redesign Your School Athletic Pavilion | 2014 National High School Architecture Competition #2

Current A-Tech Gym Floor Plan - This image shows the floor plan of A-TECH's current gym and highlights the simplicity and unoriginal makeup of the outdated design. This particular layout does little to enhance visual interest to the space and does not provide the appropriate accommodation for student's needs. Although the gym may initially seem a decent size for athletic events, the bleachers and additional seating required for school events take up a significant amount of space. Additionally, the 902 (Health) classroom seems randomly situated with awkwardly placed entrance /exit points for students and the locker rooms/staff spaces are not nearly spacious enough for the current student population. The new floor plan will address these problems by expanding the gymnasium into a two level center, providing ample space for all the proposed components as defined under "The Design Solution" in the "Overview" tab. (Image courtesy of: Advanced Technologies Academy Architecture Department)


The wide variety of information collected will form the basis for a strong design solution.

Very nice assessment of the current design. I like the idea of a two story structure. As an alternative, it seems as though there is plenty of space on the current site to expand the floor plan if you wanted to keep the structure one story.