Redesign Your School Athletic Pavilion | 2014 National High School Architecture Competition #5

Parking lot still gets light from the translucent panels, student get their privacy and extension, and the teachers no longer run from car to building when it rains


Love the building extension over parking garage! Good idea.

Hi- I'm one of the jury members, an architect in Indianapolis (from Chicago). Lots of great work here- you've done well with Revit! You did a good amount of research, including looking into some proposed design solutions/materials. You noted many of the problems with the current gym. One thing I would have liked to see would be a bit more on how you solved some of the storage/equipment issues you noted- most of the design proposal was about the new facilities and new space. It would have been interesting to see more what you did to solve previous problems.

Also, a good job modeling the whole new space, in a realistic way, and talking about how it would work over the existing parking garage. A way to improve the presentation of the final solution would be to find a way to visually indicate, on your renderings/plans, what is existing, what is renovated (in the existing space) and what is new.

Overall great job!