Vegetative and botanical gardens serve as a useful source of ingredients and oxygen, an addition to the aesthetic appeal of a space as well as a potential hangout place for eating or hanging out for students. Solar shades capture solar energy and provide shade for people who wishes to eat, sit or work on the grass. A greywater system will prove useful in recycling water from dishwashing (among others) to irrigation for the garden plants.


You are thoughtfully making a connection to the environment and taking into consideration different aspects of sustainability. The drawings are clear, beautifully rendered and well developed.

I definitely agree with the above statement. This is great work. Hand rendering is very rare. And this method is working very well for you.

Fantastic work again. Your graphics and annotations lead my eye through the issues very succinctly and allow me to understand exactly what you are thinking about and possibly proposing. The graphics are very very nice. I especially love seeing the hand sketching and hand rendering. Hopefully these skills will be matched later on with computer skills!