One of the things I had to model in the project was the benches. One of the things that bothers me the most about the benches at my school is how they're made of stone. During the summer, the benches at school absorb a ridiculous amount of heat over the day so by the time classes are over, it's impossible to sit on them without burning oneself. Not even the thickest of pants prevent the stored heat in those seats from leaking through. I got the design for my benches online as I felt the gaps in the seat would help prevent too much heat from being stored. I also made some modifications and after doing some research, I determined that white oak made a good material for the seats. Supposedly, white oak is good for outdoor use and wood doesn't get absorb as much heat as rock making it a much comfier alternative to stone benches. I also created a shade structure above to further reduce sunlight. It also matches.


I agree. The concrete benches at school do burn through the pants. Though concrete is more durable and weather-resistant, it is definitely much more important to consider the person's comfort. Your thoughtful research of which type of wood absorbs less heat will save thousands of tired locals from the blistering heat (when they sit down).