https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwie_9Ga4pbNAhUXSFIKHeDJBKsQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2F2013%2F01%2F08%2Fexo-u-exodesk-future-classroom-software_n_2431939.html&bvm=bv.123664746,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNHkRttpgvvCTrZxXvZudGQ9BUDYJw&ust=1465413760183278 This classroom inspired our team to redesign the desks to have built in tablets. Having built in tablets will be Eco-friendly because the students will be able to type up their notes/ assignments to reduce of cutting trees and save paper. Due to vandalism, the tablet will be kept inside the desk, the desk will contain a slider and a lock for the tablet to be kept safe. The tablet will be able to be held at a certain level for taking notes, it will be attached to a moveable bracket (just like a T.V wall mount). After the use of the tablets, the tablets will be put back as where it was, and will be locked. If there are technical issues, there will be storage space underneath the desks just like the regular desks we have today, so you will be able to write notes. As we explained in the summary, we plan to make the classroom have fewer desks, but in order to have a class of 30, the desks will be built much larger, just as shown in the picture and will have 2 students per desk.


Love this idea, but personally as a student, I like to have my tablet screen across from my face where my neck is at a comfortable position, as oppose to having it directly under my nose. It would be helpful if the desks had some kind of way of changing its angle so that the top of the desk can come upwards, allowing the tablet and the student to be face to face.

The disadvantage to this idea is that technology is constantly moving, so it'd be a hassle to replace these desks after several years due to stupid kids, vandalism, and just depreciation. Also, the cost in maintenance would be extremely hard, especially taking in the school's budget.

I think this is a great idea! the use of technology to replace paper is smart and eco-friendly. I especially appreciate the idea of the tablets being built in. My one concern is about the durability and lifespan of the tablets. By building this into the desk there will be more accidents and impact on them. Also what about space for the students to keep their belongings, such as binders, books, etc. How will the write when they actually need to, such as during a test ?

I think this is a great idea! the use of technology to replace paper is smart and eco-friendly. I especially appreciate the idea of the tablets being built in. My one concern is about the durability and lifespan of the tablets. By building this into the desk there will be more accidents and impact on them. Also what about space for the students to keep their belongings, such as binders, books, etc. How will the write when they actually need to, such as during a test ?