2012 national competition project #028 | cafeteria redesign

A birds eye view showing the cafe and annex and how much space is used but still a lot of space to move around and get to where people need to go.


I'm a university administrator in Washington supporting college students studying architecture, landscape architecture, construction management, and urban design. I also studied architecture in college. It has been a pleasure to review your competition submission. Thanks for sharing your project with the jury.

I appreciate your careful review and documentation of existing conditions (photos, drawings, etc). The Pro/Con list is a great way to catalog your observations and determine which items you need to respond to in your design. Architects do lots of research into existing conditions before they start design - it would be great to include more details about conversations you might have had with students/faculty/staff as you developed your Pro/Con list. Considering the "the client" or user group is very important.

Thanks for considering and incorporating composting into your solution. I would encourage you to think about ways to teach your classmates about composting. We use composting in my building at work and one of the challenges is teaching people the right bins to use (trash, compost, recycling). S

You show great interest in the design and flow of the serving spaces. Next time your are sketching think about the details of how that might be built including the materials. You might find even more exciting opportunities when you dig into the details.

Good luck with your next design challenge. Great work!