Mira Loma's cafeteria filled with students. Five hundred fifty-five students can be seated and served at one time in the cafeteria. When students are seated in the cafeteria, it seems there is a great deal of unneeded, empty space. However, the cafeteria is not only used for eating breakfast and lunch, it is also used in many different occasions. For example, before every school year begins, the students have to go through a process before receiving their schedules. This process is done in the cafeteria and all the space in the cafeteria is needed for the student to complete each step. The cafeteria has to be large because it is not only an eating area, the school can also rent the building out during summer vacations or on holidays to the public. When the tables are put away into the storage rooms, there is plenty of room to have community dances, weddings, concerts, variety of workshops, and many other activities that can occur in the cafeteria for the communities usage.


Discuss all of this wasted space.

Consider mapping all of the different programatic elements within the cafeteria -- Registration, sports practice, choir, etc. Investigate how much space these groups really need and how they function within it.