The gardens are in the foreground; with the library in the background. The green wall is our wall garden and the blue wall in the study room is the aquarium to lower the stress levels of those inside the study room.There are two doors on either side of the study area so that outside access is feasible and it is not necessary to walk through the school. The three blue rooms opposite the study room are the technology, language and music labs complete with necessary materials. On either side of the labs are the male and female restrooms. In the far left corner is the Counselor's office which opens onto the hallway inside the school so they may have ready access to the main office. The long room on the left is the storage room for the textbooks and the room in the closer corner on the left is the break room for the librarians. The actual office for them is the square room protruding from the storage room. Finally in the far right corner is the print area which we have left without a door so the printing from computers may be easily picked up. Also the bookshelves are placed along the walls to house the library's books for checkouts and aside from tables in the study room plenty of tables are provided for the other parts of the library as well. There are also two doors on the right wall which lead into the school.


Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova (Elite Designs Inc)
Nice job Urban Fusion, very good progress! Just a suggestion but it will be nice if you described what we are seeing. What is that green wall? a garden?

The green wall is a wall garden and the wall inside with the letters, "ML" is an aquarium.