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MRedesign your classroom

Sam.22 commented on Brainstorm: Biology Room

This idea is very interesting but by putting a giant DNA structure right in the middle of the room, you've limited the space for desks to be. It will be interesting to see the layout of all the desks and where the students would sit to make sure that all the students can still see the view of the smartboard and teacher with the model right in the middle of their class.

MRedesign your classroom

Sam.22 commented on Brainstorm: Biology Room

Love this idea, but personally as a student, I like to have my tablet screen across from my face where my neck is at a comfortable position, as oppose to having it directly under my nose. It would be helpful if the desks had some kind of way of changing its angle so that the top of the desk can come upwards, allowing the tablet and the student to be face to face.

MRedesign your classroom

Sam.22 commented on Brainstorm: Biology Room

This is a great idea, but won't the screens generate a lot of heat in the classroom? You should consider using screens that are energy efficient so that the heat doesn't become a problem. Also, you shoud consider having some virtual screens on the walls (wider than a smartboard) for people who get uncomfortable look up at the ceiling for the whole period.

MRedesign your classroom

WafaBaqri commented on Brainstorm: Biology Room

I absolutely love this idea and think it's really cool, but I think you should consider how this will be energy-efficient since it will most likely use up a lot of electricity, especially if it remains on for the duration of several periods.

MRedesign your classroom

WafaBaqri commented on Brainstorm: Biology Room

I think this is a really cool idea, but I think you guys should mention what type of material will be used to make the DNA structure and how you will keep it firmly on the ground to ensure that students don't cause it to fall and hurt someone. In addition to that, you should also make sure that the structure isn't too large and taking up unnecessary space to keep the room open and accessible for learning.

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