
You some very interesting ideas team Furture Design is brainstorming. The concepts and ideas you have pictured are from very large projects. Will they translate into your design for a much smaller library?

Thank you for the feed back. We will make the designs fit the dimentions.

We really liked all the colors used in this room that inspired us to use colors like in the picture.

I really like this idea. You should run with it.

Is your group planning on using the furniture featured in the picture, or are you guys using different furnitures? If your group is using different furnitures, what kind is your group planning to use?

So if you guys are inspired with this open space, is there going to be enough space in the library to afford so much open area if the library is so small?

I like the modern feel to your design and the dome.
Where will all the inside furniture be placed?
I suggest you add more appealing factors such as art, etc.

I like how there is a lot of space for your interior deign, but what in the picture inspires you? The seating, the walls, or the whole thing? I would include more art work to make the library more interesting.

We suggest you add more seating and art work, but besides that i like the idea.

The colors used in this room inspired us the most. Of course we like the whole idea of all the open space but we know that with our library measurements we can't have it. We like the feel of this room, modern, colorful and comfortable. We also like the furniture and we might be using some of it as well.

It is always a great idea to use inspiration images. When you show another project it is helpful to explain to your readers what it is that you found inspiring. By your last comment of September 20 you have finally explained what appeals to you about this and how it could translate to your scheme. This is a great example of critical thinking and analysis. One of the most important lessons is not to simply say 'I like it', but to explain the rationale behind the preference. You do this in your text and I look forward to seeing how you bring this to your project.

Great project so far - keep it up.