
Need details to better understand this.

Great refinement and detail devlelopment of the scheme.

Keep it up - will be great to see how the final model turns out. Don't forget to insert some human figures to make the drawing more legible.

Based on your other images, it seems that you have already created the interiors of the overall. Use the layers feature to merge all of them together into one cohesive model. There should be a discussion about how the interior relates to the exterior: the placement of windows, views, path of the sun.
Very impressive work so far. Keep pushing your ideas forward and you will be amazed to see how far you will have come from the beginning.

Hi there IRAfirm. I'm looking forward to meeting you and watching your final presentations tomorrow via Skype! It's so exciting to see how far you all have come in the past month. Good luck and best wishes in your final preparations.