The greatest effort in Las Vegas to preserve Las Vegas native plants and promote awareness for protection and urban gardening is the Springs Preserve. The Springs Preserve is a massive lot filled with native landscaping and sustainable design. To took great influence from Springs Preserve rustic yet vibrant look and spirit of the springs preserve to create a progressive yet friendly pocket park that promotes not only healthy living, but protection of native plants and protection of the Downtown area currently being destroyed by Urban Sprawl.


An ever-growing trend in public space use is sponsorship- which can be an extremely divisive issue. Your park however presents an opportunity for this, in a way I think most anyone could support. Springs Preserve, which seems to be owned by the not-for-profit water utility, would perhaps be a fantastic partner to not only help design but also supply and maintain the gardens and plant life you're looking for. Sometimes, untraditional partners can turn good projects into great projects.