
It's good to see that your model is coming along as are your thoughts and ideas for the library. Great job! Have you thought about how you might represent different materials in the model? I think that the addition of the aquarium walls is very interesting and one of your big design ideas and those walls should probably be represented differently than the solid wall of the library. You can probably find thin plexi at a model or craft shop (model train shops are usually good resources) that you can cut pretty easily and would represent the aquarium walls better. For more aquarium ideas you can check out the website for Cambridge Seven Associates, they work on large scale aquarium projects around the world.

I would also suggest that you have someone proofread your description of the project. There are some typos and some of the ideas can be hard to follow if someone was not familiar with your project.

I am eager to see you final model and materials usage.

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova
Amazing progress on the model, but do you have pictures showing how your sketch up is going along?

The layout looks as though it's spaced out nicely and well thought out.

Jay - Gold Team
This model looks very interesting so far. Do you have a sketch up to show how the designs on the inside look?

The model looks very neat, and it looks very impressive library so far. I personally suggest you add some sketch so people can see what you plan it to look.

Ikram Magzoub (Director of Interior Decor)
Love the 3D model so far! It would be great if you gave a brief explanation on how you plan to use each space.

Meagan Reid EUL
Did you guys add your doors and windows before you glued everything together?

Yes, we did, we had pinned the pieces on before gluing for a first impression on how it would look.

your group's model is looking nice, but do you guys mind pointing out what each room is used for?
Jaleene J, Community Relations

It is a great model, but just like the other groups have been saying I would like to see how this library would look. Do you have any sketch up pictures you can upload? So everyone can get a better look at your design. Also will there be any gardens? Also is there any open public are where student can hang out or even the community can come and enjoy?
-Daniela Guzman, Director of Landscape, Urban Gold team.

Shireen Sayareh- Elite Urban Innovators
great job your model looks really good, but will you guys have any windows?