
I did research on the history of pocket parks and I discovered that the parks were originally created to take up the small/large areas of land throughout a city, it was used as a method to take up land in an inexpensive way, and also in a way to make the city more appealing. I went looking through lots in the areas that I lived around, so I started my search in the Chicago lawn area. I looked through a few lots in that area but only with one that I walk passed almost every single day that caught my attention. I felt that if we added a pocket park in that part of the neighborhood it will bring the people of the community together. As, I drive pasted that lot I usually see children of the neighborhood attempting to play soccer or other games In the dirt, it would clean up the community as well as making it more appealing for the residents. I also noticed that in that area there is a large sum of violence brought upon teenagers, I feel that with a new park there will be less violence and will encourage the people of the community to participate more and eliminate the violence.