This locker room is precedence for my athletic pavilion because of the space allotted to each athlete, the idea of each athlete having their own seat as a part of their locker rather than the benches that Lincoln East currently utilizes that are too small and become cluttered, and the idea of the locker area being clearly separate from the shower and restroom area. These lockers are large enough to accommodate all of an athlete's equipment, along with their street clothes, shower gear, and their backpack. The lockers, despite being very open, have two areas that can be secured to prevent theft, and the storage at the bottom also functions as a seat for the athlete. These lockers not only provide enough space for the athlete within the locker, but their width creates enough space our in front of the locker to be able to get ready without interfering with the person next to you. The ideas that I would like to see implemented into the locker room that aren't pictured here are the idea of a coaches office overlooking the locker room, and the idea of a more effective shower and restroom area that is removed from the locker area.