One element that was highly important to me was the issue of providing shade. Since bears live in caves and Yogi is no exception, I wanted to include a cave in this park. The purpose of the cave would be to provide some some shade, a place where people could get together and converse or have a family picnic. The lower parts of the wall is a green wall, to add more of the nature sense and greenery, the upper part of the wall is made of glass so people could still enjoy the surrounding neighborhood and to allow the residents to enjoy some the natural sunlight. Now, the roof has 4 slits that resembles a bear's paw and to allow some natural sunlight to still come in. Artificial shade will be provided through the usage of natural and man-made object, creating my interpretation of Yogi's cave.


I really like the design and the way this turned out but did you think about low maintance? This design seems like something that will require a lot of care and work. I would suggest instead of using pure glass, you should take metal and punch holes through it to make to let the sunlight come through.

The 4 slits idea is really really cool! I love how you're keeping in with the Yogi theme. However, do you think that using glass is the best way to go? As much as I love the idea of using glass, I do not think it would be the best choice to use in a public environment. I hate to say it, but nowadays, plenty of parks are vulnerable to vandalism. The destruction of property would be most susceptible in this case.
Other than that, I love your interpretation of your theme and how you choose to employ it.
Keep up the good work!