Besides providing a place for the nearby professionals to relax, for the family together and enjoy the presence of each other, allowing the kids have a place to enjoy themselves and be kids was extremely important. In today's age, going outside is something that is uncommon for kids, but providing a unique place to do this would enable them to do that. A kid needs physical activity and this jungle gym would provide that opportunity to them.


I like how you considered making a space for children to use. It shows that you really thought in depth of what your purpose of your park should be. That being said, do you think that a jungle gym is the best item to place in that area? Given the location of the site, the jungle gym itself would not be utilized as much.
Less than 20% of the residents within the 89101 area are below 12 years old.
I do think that you thinking about an area where children can enjoy themselves and receive physical activity is great, but don't you think a space that could be used for multipurpose would be better?
Other than that, I think you're heading down the right path. Good stuff!!