The Folsom library on right and Machias Libraryin Washingotn on the left is the inspiration for the exterior for the Mira Loma library, which incorporates the wide window effect to allow natural sunlight into the building.


Remember that you should provide stations for disabled students also, which means they would be lower and have a roll-in desk for students in wheelchairs. Perhaps the checkout desks could be provided at the end of the library aisles and also act as search stations, in lieu of old card catalogs. Maybe something could be provided at the ceiling, signage or something else, that indicates where these stations are located. This would help community members that are not as familiar with the space navigate through it.

Good point; we had forgotten about providing access to disabled people so we will incorporate that. As for search stations being located at the end of the library aisles in lieu of old card catalogs, that would be a good idea considering we currently have no card catalogs or search stations in the library. Right now if you want to find something you either search for it yourself by scanning the bookshelves or you ask the librarian. We will also add the signage with these search station. Thank you for this reminder!

Good idea for stations. We need this detail for the other aspects of the building as well.

It would be nice to see more interior designs sketches or inspirations. But I like a lot of the ideas you currently have, especially all the fish tanks you have.

Desirae LaSalle (UED)