Here is the roof of the De Young Museum. We are going to be incorporating the trench-like feature to the roof of our cafeteria for water filtration. As well as a cool bench that we would like to incorporate into our cafeteria. The other pictures show interior ideas for restrooms and main entrances.


Add a little more detail. Where would you want to add the bench? The roof?

You can gain a large ammount of square footage by incorporating the roof into your design. It would be helpful to see a plan for the entire roof and how you will bring this inot use.

Millie Flores- Director of Exterior Design
During the process of remodeling the cafeteria, we noticed the challenges incorporating this trench-like filtration system would impose on the building. Hence, we have replaced it with a more efficient filtration system.

The roof, as was said earlier, provides for a more efficient filtration system, but what will you do with the water? recylce and reuse? help to water a garden? does it go to the bathrooms? Incorporating the benches, well first that would be nice to have an art sculptured bench, but if you think about it, most people in the cafeteria sit down to eat, which would be hard to do at a bench, but very nice ideas Asheeka henderson EIS