Interior images of our kitchen and serving lines. The top image is a picture of the kitchen, it includes refrigerators, ovens, stoves and two sinks. Our team decided to add two sinks into the kitchen for the workers to have easy access to the sinks, since both sinks will be placed on opposite sides of each other. The refrigerators are put into an area in the kitchen where the doors are located for a superior and enhanced place. Our team firmly put in more than one stove and oven, because of the warming doors, and smooth electronic control we selected. The workers can acquire the meal considerably faster, and have a firmed amount of movement. The new redesigned kitchen will have an extensive window view. This window allows sunlight to enter the kitchen. The window will also be used for fresh air whenever workers become dehydrated or whenever they essentially just need air. We will have air conditions in the kitchen but fresh air is always needed. Also in this picture, we have our design for the serving lines, students will be able to get food on both sides of the counter, making six lines which will help with the traffic when students are getting breakfast and lunch.


Ikram Magzoub (Director of Interior Decor)
I think the way you put the cashiers is very interesting. It looks appealing. It would be great if you could add some more pictures of the kitchen!

Thank you. Our kitchen is in the process of getting done, more pictures will be added shortly.

Dana Tamano - Elite Urban Innovators
I like how your group created the lunch lines. It is very different than any other design.

Miranda Marcussen Director of Community Relations
Although having an updated picture of the kitchen would be nice the description sounds very promising especially as you considered that the kitchen staff require things like sunlight and fresh air just like the rest of us-something easy to forget when you do not see them constantly. Also the fact you are increasing the space for the staff to move around in and not slam into each other with hot food is considerate, because you have increased traffic flow and safety. I know from once having a narrow kitchen in one of the apartments I lived in that elbow room is vital especially when you have to access the fridge and stove/oven at the same time. Also the newer kitchen is more likely to pass inspections by the Health department with the increased space. So bravo!

Zac Mathieu - Dynamic Associates Agency
The way that you decided to build the lunch lines is very interesting, however, it would be nice to see more color and decorations in this room

Teja Johnson-EUI: I agree with Zac Mathieu, the line set up is different, and i like that. But adding color would give us more a visual. God job!

Will there be any color added? Is there any landscaped incorporated inside the building? Needs more interior decor.
-Daniela Guzman UGT