This image is artwork done by students currently attending Mira Loma. In addition to the events that will be held for the community in the cafeteria, the team decided to decorate the inside of our cafeteria. This decoration will be amazing pieces of artwork. The artwork that will be hanged in the cafeteria will belong to the students, as well as, many members of the community. The artwork will be changed very few months, to give each person a chance to display the wonderful invention they created.


This idea is very thoughtful towards the students of Mira Loma and gives them a very good opportunity to display their creative skills to the rest of the student body,

Jacqueline Banas - Urbanfusion

The idea of using and having student artwork throughout the cafeteria is great. Having a splay of art that is consistently organized throughout the walls will have a positive influence on the students, as they sit down to eat lunch. It's a good way to relax and to look at painting while you eat.

That is very considerate for the students art work, i believe it is a great way to show the work of talented students in Mira Loma High School.
-Emily Garcia Elite Urban Innovators

To Jacqueline Banas- Yes, the team agrees with you. We want the students to feel relaxed and have a sense of peace while eating their lunches.
To Emily Garcia- Yes, the art work in the cafeteria will be a moment for the students to shine and show the talented work they have created.

Asheeka Henderson EIS- having art that is created by students was a great idea. It gives the students more of a connection to the school. It would make the students feel as if they are a bigger part of the school then just being a student.