
Our redesigned basketball court comes complete with everything the old one had, but just with a new modern look.

Zac Mathieu - Dynamic Associates Agency
I don't know if those bleachers are included in you final design or if they were the only ones you could find in Sketchup, but it might be more efficient to include bleachers that fold up to provide more space.

Bleachers that push into the wall would be ideal. Also it would allow you to add 2 more basketball courts when they gym isn't being used for the actual games. Also might want to include floor caps that could be used for setting up other sports, like volleyball poles.

Richard - EIS
How are these stands ADA compliant? And are you thinking about ? any designs on the court?

Michael Dodge- Architect 7
How many people can be seated in the gym?

Are you planning to add anything to the wall? Like artwork and the school's achievements in sports?
Mariya Skots-Dynamic Design-Interior Decor

We are incorporating the fold up bleachers in the gym, these are just the only suitable ones we could find on sketch up.