<SLIDE # 2: Town Square During Lunch> Above is a video clip of the Wilkins Town Square during lunch. The Wilkins Town Square, located at the heart of the campus, is the center of all student activity at Sage Hill School, including lunchtime activities. Here, students eat lunch, play their own mixtapes on the sound system installed around the Town Square, and play sports (ranging from soccer to cricket) on the grass. Thanks to this unique campus design and small occupancy (approximately 500 people are on campus on a normal school day, including students and staff), there is no need for a designated eating area indoors. On rainy days ( a rare occurrence in Newport Coast, CA), students can eat in the library, humanities building, gym, or any other indoor space. The video shows the Town Square during lunchtime.


This is a courtyard I'd like to have at my school, seems pretty great!

Awesome courtyard very nice and lots of space you can use to put something really cool there in your design.

Luke and Chase, thank you for your comments! :)

yourwelcome I see that you could build maybe a out side sunroom with a lot of glass in it to attrack alot of sunlight.

Your welcome, and adding to what my bud luke said, maybe even add garden to grow your own school's food.

We already have one! I just added a slide about it: http://discoverdesign.org/node/3260

Good use of media to illustrate existing conditions.