Bridging the Gap: Redesigning High Tech High School's Athletic Pavilion

A copy of the architectural brief I drafted for the pavilion.


I like that you are adding a sculpture garden, as well as a common outdoor space, because it can serve as lounge area for students. This can help resolve the problem with the student traffic that is happening in the main school building, as well as the heavy intensity of students who gather in the school's mall area. With this outdoor space, students will be able to go there for lunch and other free periods. This can help lessen the intensity of students gathering in the school's mall area.

Thank you, mdepacina. I believe that in an area designed to promote wellness, creating spaces that provide relief from stress can be the best kind of rehabilitation from life's problems. The lounging area will reduce population density throughout the day while promoting wellness and fitness. On days with good weather, the yoga classes may even be able to exercise outdoors!