Finally, this is the whole view of the park. It looks slightly larger then the area of the site because the multiple levels give it an illusion of being bigger. When you enter the park you have three options: you can go to the children's park to the left, the little pond area to the right, or straight forward towards the pagoda.


I do not know if that pond is really efficient for a place like Las Vegas. Most ponds in Vegas are not kept clean enough for people to swimming in it. This pond is also too small for any sort of boating activities. The only thing that this pond will provide is marine like and if the water is too dirty to see though, most wont believe that they are in there.

How will the pond work? Also it feels like there is a bit to much of open space. Working on that open space will make it more pleasant.

Your gazebo is really beautiful and I think your park has a nice aesthetic but I do agree that the space looks a little bit empty. Your pathways also could be a mapped a bit better and the pond looks rather small BUT I like the concept of it, regardless if it's in Vegas. Many parks in our city have ponds, lakes, reservoirs and even small water parks so I think It would definitely be a great idea. And it goes well with the design of your gazebo!