Recreation of Mira Loma High School Cafeteria

(lunch lines) This image shows the kind of lines the new cafeteria will have. The students will proceed through the two lines (furthest next to the wall), they will choose their lunch at the large window, and then make a u-turn to one of the 5 lines to a self pay cashier. The new cafeteria will have 4 self paying cashiers in each of the 5 lines. This will considerably increase the line flow and the traffic. The students won't be able to pay with cash at these cashiers, they will have to pay for their lunch/breakfast fees in the beginning of the month at the Finance Office. This policy will also make the line flow faster because the students won't have to search their wallets for change but just punch in their number and be on their way.


I am not sure on what this is. Can we have some clarity on how this set up works?
-Amanda Russell, Director Of Interior Decor Design

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova
The 4th picture ( 2nd row last) explains everything. The students enter from the two opposite sides, gather their food at the window and make a u turn to the self check out cashiers.


Where are the students going to put their food when they pay on the computers, i suggest either putting a shelf to put the food, or a set of bars in which they can slide their food like the current cafeteria scheme.

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova
I understand that the pictures don't allow to see the tables that hold the computers more closely but I assure that there is space next to them to put the trays down.

Director of Community Relations- Miranda Marcussen
I understand that you are trying to increase the flow of the lunch line but your comment about how all students must pay at the fiance office and cannot pay for cash on the spot concerns me. What about those students who generally bring their lunch from home but might not have it one day and want to buy school lunch and have enough for lunch in their wallets? Those students wouldn't usually have accounts at the Finance office and it's a waste of money for them to put in money for lunches they might not ever buy. I highly suggest you have a normal cashier for people to pay with cash.

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova
I understand your concern Miranda, and of course we would not want any of our students to e starving. I might have not made myself clear. I meant to say that all students will have their school ID accounts on which they will put their money. The amount does not matter, it could be for a whole month or only for one day. But the students will have to do it at the finance office.

this is a great idea except two things are a bit concerning. one, what if a student forgot to put money onto their account, and went through the line and pick up some lunch? would they still be able to get their lunch, and be charged? and Secondly, what if a student decides to get lunch without paying, how will the lines be monitored and regulated if it is self-pay??- Asheeka Henderson EIS

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova (Elite Designs Inc)
I understand your concern Asheeka Henderson, that is why we will have at least one kitchen staff monitoring the lines so that everybody pays. And if a student wants to buy lunch but forgot his/her money, that person can get lunch on credit. What I mean by that is that the student will loan the money and will have to pay it back in a matter of a few weeks or a month max. If a student has financial problems and can't pay back even after a month, this issue will passed on to the school staff.