This is a community brief written by Alison Blake about Pocket Parks (http://depts.washington.edu/open2100/pdf/2_OpenSpaceTypes/Open_Space_Types/pocket_parks.pdf). I really liked the article because it gave me great background on pocket parks. It confirms my choice for Crocker Park as my location as she states "pocket parks can be tucked into and scattered throughout the urban fabric where they serve the immediately local population." She also provides some good possible uses for a pocket park, like as a small event space, lunch breaks, play areas for children, and etc. She talks also about the importance of maintaining the pocket park because a lot of the time the parks are put up with ambition but don't receive the needed maintenance to keep them nice. So sustainability is definitely an issue. Then she provides some great examples of pocket parks in Philadelphia, New York City, and Savannah pictured above.