There are more tables in the cafeteria so more students can enjoy their meal with their friends. We also have an interior elevator to the second floor making it wheelchair accessible.


Zac Mathieu - Dynamic Associates Agency
It is hard to tell from these Sketchup images but is your group still planning on adding the second floor with more open space?

Director of Interior Design- Rimma Sadyrova
Will you have stairs in case the elevator broke. And I've noticed that the tables have limited space, what a big group of people wanted to sit together?

Jacqueline Banas - Urbanfusion

Is there a fire escape? As you're looking at it, we can plainly see there is an elevator and bathrooms situated in the back, but how will those on the second level be able to easy to evacuate the premises in an emergency situation? On a positive note, the use of the space is effectively well put and the maximized amount of seating is appropriate for the Mira Loma community.

i love the round tables and the seating. did you guys think of seating out doors for the people who eat in the quad?
-Amanda Russell, Director of Interior Decor Design

Jessie Marchuk,I like how there are many tables but there are some groups of people which have more than 6 people.

Ikram Magzoub (Director of Interior Decor)
Your group has a very nice design so far. I love the fact that the tables seat a lot of people. I think that it would be a great idea for you guys to include different tables rather than only round.

Richard - EIS
I like the round tables because acoustically it is easier to hear people but it seems over controlling with how people sit and discriminatory towards the handicap.

Richard - EIS
I like the round tables because acoustically it is easier to hear people but it seems over controlling with how people sit and discriminatory towards the handicap.

Zac, Yes we are having a balcony and a communtiy garden on the roof.
Rimma, Yes we have a stair case going up the middle. And our tables do fit 8 people so if you have more than 8 people you will have to just use 2 tables.
Jacqueline, We do have a stair case that people can go down incase of a fire. Thank you for your compliment.
Amanda, Yes we are still going to have benches out in the quad and we are also have tables with an umbrella for shade.
Jessie, Our tables actually fit 8 people and if you have more you will just have to slit up and use 2 tables.
Ikram, We did think about other tables, but we liked the round tables. We wanted something more modern. Thank you for your suggestion.
Richard, Thank you for your compliment and advice. We are going to add in table with less seats for handicap people.
- Meagan

Michael Dodge- Architect 7
Looks great! Will there be plants inside?

Michael Dodge- Architect 7
Looks great! Will there be plants inside?

Michael, there will not be any plants inside.
-Dana Tamano

this is more of an overall comment than just about this image - but how is your team incorporating sustainability into the project? you talked about low flow fixtures and energy star ovens - but i think you guys can go farther than that.

can you incorporate natural ventilation, or solar panels for energy generation. what green materials are you using? are they recycled, local, low VOC, rapidly renewable, etc?

your team has a really solid base to work with - i'd like to see you push it for the next step.

Yes, we do have 6 solar panels in the back of our cafeteria and one on our elevator. We also have benches with solar panel awnings. Our floor is cork which is renewable, sustainable, and recyclable. Also on our roof we are reusing the water, and we have plants that do not need a lot of water.
- Meagan

Mario Lancellotti-EIS
The cafeteria looks nice, finally more spread out with actual room to walk in

Thank you Mario Lancellotti.
-Emily Garcia Elite Urban Innovators

Thank you Mario Lancellotti.
-Emily Garcia Elite Urban Innovators

Sarah Brady,

Sustainability is incorporated by our use of environmentally friendly materials, such as cork floors, recycled rubber roofing, wool insulation, triple-paned glass for windows which helps in heating and cooling costs, and making use of nonmetal panes for the windows which will add to the efficiency of the windows. Natural ventilation is not possible in our final design because our windows do not open. We actually are incorporating solar power, with many solar panels all over the area. Incorporating Energy Star products is one part of the design that we stress because everyone understands the importance of that but not everyone will understand that our insulation has an R-13 rating and our glass has a U-factor (a number used to measure non-solar heat loss and gain) of 0.13.

-Cheyenne Garcia, Director of Energy and Sustainability

the tables are nice, but there seems to be alot of them, and they are kind of limiting. are the tables bolted down? because during the summer most people enjoy eating in the quad or standing around inside, and during the winter its over crowded in the cafeteria. when big groups of people sit they will have to separate to another table. On the other hand, the round tables do provide for more walking space- Asheeka Henderson EIS

Asheeka, Our tables are not bolted down they are movable. We do have benches and table outside in the quad. Yes if people want to sit with more then 8 people then they will have to separate.
- Meagan