The lunch lines are in a different area than all the tables so they do not interfere. This will make the area less crowded and less busy. Each lunch line is 5 feet wide so there is room for students to exit after they get their food. Instead of having permanent bars to separate each line (like the outside lunch lines), we used stanchions with retractable belts so they can be moved for events. They can be stored in the storage room with the tables.


Miranda Marcussen UF Director of Community Relations
I like how you seperated the tables from the lunch lines so as to reduce traffic. It does make for less confusion and allows the diners to eat their food without being jostled by the people in line. As for the retractable lines, that is thinking ahead since it provides extra space for those community events you mentioned.

Tracee Brooks, EIS-- I really enjoy the spaciousness of the interior. Your design looks great so far-keep up the good work!

Miranda and Tracee, Thank you both for your compliments.
- Meagan

Could the ropes be further away from the actual counter so students can walk past them once they get their food instead of having to turn around to leave the line? Elite Innovative Solutions - Mitchell Zaborski

Mitchell, That is a good idea. I didnt even think about that. I will talk to my group about it and maybe change it.
- Meagan